
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Imagine the scene.  A staircase leading the way from the cobblestone street below to a quaint room with windows overlooking the city.  The natural beauty surrounding is breathtaking.  The brightly painted walls, the wrought iron windows and gates with cascading flowers which give a glimpse inside the many walls of the city.  As you peer out from this upper room, you notice people of all races, cultures, and languages on the streets below.  Some are taking their spots on the street, as they do each day, to sell their simple goods.  Tourists pass by, sometimes without a thought to them.  Some have come here to find adventure, while others have come to find a new way of life.   

Few, if any, know of the gathering happening in this room or why it has meaning for so many.  In this room, women of faith have been drawn together by their love for God and the hunger to know him more intimately.  They come together to support, love, and strengthen each other in their faith.  Just like the people walking below, these women also come from different races, cultures, and languages, but their bond is strong.  Their bond is rooted in the blood of Jesus Christ and what He did on the cross of Calvary centuries ago.


You see, this is the Sisterhood of Antigua, Guatemala, right now in the year 2017.  The significance of the cross is still as strong today as it was nearly 2000 years ago when Jesus met with his disciples in a similar upper room.  This sisterhood goes on each day, each week, in the lives of these women, but they come together once a month as a celebration of women here.  


In the weeks since arriving in Guatemala, I have had the opportunity to join these women.  We’ve learned that influence is not to be taken lightly.  We, as women, are royal daughters and carry great influence in our families the communities in which we live.  

We’ve looked at Esther,

a Jewish girl given a divine gift of favor,who became queen of Persia and saved her people from a plot to destroy them.


We’ve looked at Herodias,

who used her position as queen, to have John the Baptist beheaded because he preached against her unlawful marriage.


We looked at Deborah,

the only female judge/leader of Israel who guided the military into battle as God directed.  She didn’t abuse her authority, but brought men of leadership alongside her to lead well.


While this upper room may go unnoticed by many, the world will be changed by the women who leave this place.  Scripture tell us we are royal daughters of the most high God, blessed with grace and peace in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.  His divine power has granted unto us all things that pertain to life and godliness through the knowledge of him that called us by his own glory and virtue… (2 Peter 1:2-3)


Ladies, our influence leads those around us, whether for evil or for good.  In our families, it can have ripple effects for generations.  Many women carry influence through servanthood, while others carry it through leadership – BOTH are equally important.  How do you use your influence?