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Lessons from a Volcano

Lessons from a volcano


In this current season of my life, I am in awe each and every day I awake to see a majestic volcano out my front door.  In our five months here in Guatemala, it remains new every day.   I’ve asked others living here, “Do you ever get tired of this?”  It’s always a resounding…

“No, never!” 

Two weeks ago I hiked a volcano with my daughter!  Crazy, I know!  But this wasn’t just any volcano, it was Acatenango, standing at 13,045 ft.  This was to be the experience of a lifetime!  Before she arrived, we did our research and decided to use an experienced tour company for such an adventure.  But I’ll be honest, the night before the hike I woke up gripped with fear.  “How can I do this?  I’m not prepared.  I’m not in shape to do this.”  Everything in me said “don’t do it!!” but I felt I had to do this with her.  So I did.


 First lesson:  LOVE conquers FEAR


It was in the first stage of the hike that God gave me the key to doing this monumental feat.  TAKE ONE STEP AT A TIME!  Pretty obvious, huh?  But seriously, without the “next step” you will never make it to the end!  For me to look at the steep slopes ahead only brought fear and anxiety.  I had rarely climbed anything so steep, even as a child.  I resigned to the fact that I couldn’t change the circumstances, but I could change my perspective.  My goal?  To make each step sure and put one foot in front of the other til I reached the top.  


 Second lesson:  EACH STEP is critical to make the journey possible.     



Each stage of the hike brought an incredible new view of God’s amazing creation.  Farmland gave way to the clouds.  We were walking through lush forest IN THE CLOUDS…seriously?!  This brought new challenges.  The view of the steep slopes became hidden.  Where a few moments before, the idea of seeing where I was going terrified me.  Now it was NOT seeing where I was going that became a challenge.

After three hours of climbing, the terrain finally eased into the Alpine Forest which brought more visibility and an easier path.  What made this stage of the hike so beautiful?


Third lesson:  A greater APPRECIATION comes when you have faced the biggest obstacles.


We were greeted at base camp just under 5 hours from beginning this trek. It was a huge sense of accomplishment!  My lungs were burning and my legs were fatigued.  We were comforted by the fact that we had met our goal for the day.  We had warm clothes, water and snacks, and a tent to call home for the night.  It amazed me how quickly the weather changed at this elevation.  The clouds thickened around us, making visibility difficult.  I settled in my mind that we would have to wait til the next morning to climb to the summit.  (Actually, that was a wonderful thought to not climb anymore in one day!).  THEN… the word came!

“The clouds are clearing.  LET’S GO!”  We were headed to the summit!  

I cannot tell you the sense of dread that washed over me.  Somehow we had to find the stamina to climb another 1.5 hours on loose volcanic rock to reach the crater rim before sunset. 


Fourth lesson:  You’re STRONGER than you think!


There is an unexplainable feeling to reach the peak of the summit looking DOWN at the clouds with majestic peaks rising above.  If you’ve ever flown in an airplane, you know what I’m talking about.  But then there came the moment when I remembered we didn’t make this journey just for the sake of climbing to the top of a volcano.  The purpose was to look out over Volcan Fuego, one of the most active volcanoes in the world.  You see, it is too dangerous to hike Volcan Fuego itself.  But from the vantage point of Volcan Acatenango, we were at a safe distance to watch its incredible display of eruptions.  Yes, we stood there as we watched it show off with it’s massive plumes of smoke, later to be outdone by a lava blast that created new lava flows before our eyes.



Fifth and final lesson:  NEVER stop being AMAZED!



God’s faithfulness and sovereignty over creation are beyond my comprehension.  But I am eternally grateful and relish in the fact that I get to live this life each and every day.  I pray I will never cease to be amazed and in awe of our Creator God.


Becky Corder 


Remind me that the most fertile lands were built by the fires of volcanoes.  

-Andrea Gibson  


  1. Beautiful and well said. So happy you are able to experience this amazing adventure. God has SO much to show us and teach us. Enjoy the challenges and then enjoy the blessings ??

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